Summer Enrichment - Strategies From Our Tutors
Read our tips to enjoy the summer break while continuing to keep up knowledge and learning from the school year.
Read our tips to enjoy the summer break while continuing to keep up knowledge and learning from the school year.
Before the school year ends is the perfect time to schedule a chat with your child's teacher about academic and social progress. The ideal outcome is to provide direction on where to focus student efforts for the remaining months.
Teachers on Call shares 12 exam tips Math, English, Science and French tutors
Does your child have difficulty following instructions, or become frustrated with tasks that require multiple steps like getting dressed or packing their school bag? There are several ways you can help develop their organization and planning skills at home in a fun way.
Asking about your child’s day is a meaningful way to gain an understanding of their feelings towards school, academically and socially. As children move into the higher grades, you’ll get less communication from the teachers, so engaging in conversation about school is particularly important.
Teachers on Call shares tips to Keep Kids Learning Over the Winter Break
The holiday season is a well deserved break for students after a busy four months of school. But it is also a good time to begin to prepare for the new year.
The search is on for gifts to express appreciation for your child’s teacher and the important work they do. Supplies are one thing that’s always welcome – they’re practical and useful gifts that can save a teacher money and provide a lot of fun for the class. If you want to give teacher more of a “treat” that they get to enjoy for themselves, we can help you with that, too!
November is famous (or infamous) both for the first report card or progress report of the school year and parent teacher conferences. You've seen the report card and (may have) met the teacher, now what?
Teachers on Call shares tips to prepare for parent-teacher interviews.
We are here to help your student excel. Contact Teachers on Call today to get started with our award-winning tutoring services.