Primary Students (Grades K-3)

Primary (K-3) Tutoring | Teachers on Call | GTA Tutors

The primary years in a student's educational journey is a time to master basics in reading, writing and numeracy and build a foundation for future success.

  • So impressed with our online tutoring sessions with a teacher who was so perfectly paired for our son who is in JK. Our sessions are fun and keep our son so engaged while teaching him new things each week. Truly impressed with Teachers on Call!
    - Lori A., Client

Tutoring for Primary Students

Grades K - 3   •   Ages 4 - 8

Positive early learning experiences with a caring kindergarten or elementary school tutor can have a profound and lasting impact on your child's long-term development. Proactive support in primary years provides the foundation for a successful school career with remediation or enrichment support.

Tutoring for primary students focuses on enabling kindergarten to Grade 3 children to build basic skills in reading, writing and math to master the curriculum for their specific grade levels and future years to come.

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Primary Student Tutoring | Teachers On Call | Toronto Tutoring

Primary Student Success Story

Elementary School Success: Grade 1 Student Improves Reading & Comprehension

Elementary School Success: Grade 1 Student Improves Reading & Comprehension

After five months with his Teachers on Call tutor, this grade one student advanced six levels in reading, and improved his self-confidence too.

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We are here to help your student excel. Contact Teachers on Call today to get started with our award-winning tutoring services.

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