Online learning and tutoring are not new services. In fact, Teachers on Call has been offering highly effective and successful online tutoring and enrichment for years.
Given the current climate related COVID-19, we have made the decision to offer online tutoring exclusively, with all in-person tutoring on hold for the time being. This decision has been made with the safety and wellbeing of our tutors and students in mind.
We will continue to seek guidance from medical experts and will communicate any updates related to the safe resumption of our in-person tutoring, service.
If you are interested in learning more about online tutoring for your son or daughter, here are some frequently asked questions about Teachers on Call’s online service:
How does online tutoring work?
Online tutoring allows students the convenience to access tutoring support from their computer or electronic device. Our approach to online tutoring offers many interactive features including an online whiteboard, interactive video and sound communication, and screen sharing for resources and materials.
Will I have the same tutor for every online session?
Yes, as with in-person tutoring, we continue to offer our signature personalized one-on-one relationship-based approach to tutoring.
What is the online session length?
While the hourly cost remains the same as in-person tutoring, there is a flexible 30 minute minimum for online tutorials since there is no travel involved. Any additional tutoring continues to be offered in 15-minute increments.
Is online tutoring available for all subjects and grades?
Yes. Teachers on Call offers online tutoring from grades K-12 in all subjects and grades, including core subjects of Math, Science, English, French, Reading & Numeracy skills and more.
My child is attending Virtual School, how can a tutor help?
Since our tutors are certified teachers, and we use a curriculum-based approach, our tutors can help fill in the gaps with personalized one-on one-instruction. Whether you’re attempting to homeschool or just want to supplement and enrich learning, our online service makes it easy and convenient to help your child with their learning.
How do I sign up or find more information?
Feel free to reach out to the Teachers on Call team through our contact form