With the summer approaching, it is easy for students to find a million other things to do besides homework, studying and exam prep. Delaying challenging course work can feel rewarding in the short-term, but will only increase student's stress and anxiety as they get closer to test or exam time.
Developing strong study skills might not come naturally and take work and time to develop. Here are some ways to learn effective study habits and avoid procrastination.
Plan, Plan Plan: Make a plan for studying with the following items.
i) Calendar: Use the calendar to mark down all the upcoming assignments, tests, exams and projects. If you like being creative, pick a different colour for each subject to differentiate.
ii) Make a Weekly Plan: Narrow the calendar down to make a study plan for each week and ensure there is time to complete each of the key items due. You can also create a checklist to keep track of the items outstanding and what is remaining to be completed.
Location: Work in a quiet area with limited interruptions, traffic and distractions that has good lighting. Remove anything you don't need to study like TV, smartphone, music, etc that could cause distractions.
Keep Materials Organized: Make a plan to keep the study area organized with school supplies available and in one place. Ensure you have a spot for each subject to ensure papers don't get loose or lost.
Expectations: Having a firm grasp of expectations and what is expected is key to ensure studying and homework is done successfully and on time. If you are unclear about any expectations, we would recommend students and parents approach teachers to understand what is expected of them and make a plan.
Be Positive: Being in the right mindset can make a huge difference to stay on top of work and avoid procrastination. Parents can encourage their child to stay positive heading into exams and avoid negative thinking. Help turn negative statements into positive ones by encouraging strong study habits.
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