The beginning of a new year brings with it a swirl of resolutions as we strive to motivate ourselves to live well. We’ve shared many suggestions for educational goals for your child but did you know that reading can contribute to a boost in wellness? As avid bookworms, this gives us even more reason to move reading to the top of our resolutions.
Let’s make 2017 the year we curl up regularly with a good book and as our friends at Indigo suggest, to “Always Be Reading”.
Wellness Reads For Children
Here are a few of the latest wellness reads for children:
For ages: 3-5
This adorable book tells the story of a yoga practicing bunny who wishes his stressed out animal friends could see how yoga may help them slow down and relax. Children will be introduced to beginning yoga poses that may motivate them to try downward dog or tree pose themselves.
For ages: 3-5
Children are exposed to violence and stress in the news, at home or even at school. The illustrations and text will encourage them to think about what peace looks like in their daily life and in the world. This is a wonderful story to focus on emotional wellness by giving children a starting point to discuss the often misunderstood topic of peace.
Canadian Reads For Everyone
This year is an especially exciting time for Canadians as the countdown is on to Canada’s 150th birthday and this is a great theme for your whole family’s 2017 reading material. Consider looking at books about and by Canadians as part of your reading choices. We really enjoyed reading:
For ages: 3-7
This picture book is inspired by the childhood of Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield. Little readers may be surprised to learn that young Chris was afraid of the dark. Parents will appreciate the lesson about conquering your fears and having big aspirations. Fans of outer space will especially enjoy a collection of photos from his youth and outer space.
And for the adults, check out Oh She Glows Every Day to start your 2017 wellness goals off right. The over 100 plant-based recipes from Canadian author Angela Liddon’s latest cookbook will have your family glowing from the inside out. We love the tips for making the recipes kid and allergy friendly, too!
For The Educator
Based on the worldwide viral #IWishMyTeacherKnew, third-grade teacher, Kyle Schwartz shares her insights on what happened when she asked her students to fill–in–the–blank in this sentence: I wish my teacher knew _____.” Her students answers and the resulting reflections are a powerful reminder that the life in the classroom is more than just academics and our children need a safe place to face their daily realities.
And if you want to show your commitment to reading all year long, check out the Read the North line from Indigo which include clothing and an adorable tote for books or lunches. These reading accessories are a lot of fun to encourage and promote the love of learning.
We’re excited to be giving away an #AlwaysBeReading family prize pack from our friends at Indigo.
Entering is easy below and you can win: A Read The North reading tote and a copy of Yoga Bunny, What is Peace, I Wish My Teacher Knew, The Darkest Dark and Oh She Glows Every Day.